Exhibition: Victor Horta- Hôtel Aubecq
From 01.07.2011 to 09.10.2011
Musées royaux des Beaux- Arts de Belgique, Brusels
Organised by Direction des Monuments et des Sites de Bruxelles
Exhibition: Devouring Paris. Picasso 1900 - 1907
From 01.07.2011 to 09.10.2011
Museu Picasso, Barcelona
Organised by Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam and Museu Picasso, Barcelona
Exhibition: Belle Èpoque portraits
From 20.07.2011 to 09.10.2011
Organised by CaixaForum Barcelona
Exhibition: Feasting on Paris. Picasso 1900 -1907
From 01.07.2011 to 16.10.2011
Museu Picasso, Barcelona
Organised by Museu Picasso
Exhibition: Brangulí. Barcelona 1909-1945
From 08.06.2011 to 23.10.2011
Centre Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), Barcelona
Organised by Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB)
Exhibition: 48h OpenHouse Barcelona
From 22.10.2011 to 23.10.2011
Organised by ArquitecturaReversible

El cap de setmana del 22 i 23 d´octubre Barcelona celebra la segona edició del 48H OPEN HOUSE BCN, el major festival d´arquitectura de gratuït de la ciutat que obre les portes de 155 edificis.
L´emblemàtica Torre de Collserola de l´arquitecte Norman Foster; el centro de creació, la Central del Circ al Fòrum; el recentment rehabilitat Hotel Espanya o una visita comentada al cementiri de Montjuïc són algunes de les noves visites que proposa aquesta iniciativa popular de caràcter divulgatiu.
Una cita única que permet a cada ciutadà/ciutadana dissenyar el seu itinerari per descobrir l´arquitectura que defineix el seu passat, present i futur.
Aquest any es podran visitar són 155 edificis de diferents tipologies, formes i mesures. Ascendir a l'emblemàtica Torre de Collserola (arq. Norman Foster, 1889-1992); descobrir les recentment estrenades instal·lacions d'un centre de creació com la Central del Circ al Fòrum (arq. Xavier Ruscalleda i Marta Lorenzo xxm_Arquitectura, 2010); traslladar-se al segle XVIII al endinsar-se en les estades del Palau Moxó (arq. Francesc Mestres, 1977), l'únic palau privat de Barcelona que conserva el seu mobiliari i interiors originals; endinsar-se en un dels habitatges del projecte Casa Bloc (arq. Josep Lluís Sert, Joan Baptista Subirana i Josep Torres Clavé (GATCPAC), 1933-1939), un grup de 200 habitatges de tipologia dúplex i de lloguer destinat originalment a acollir els obrers que vivien en barraques de condicions precàries i avui museïtzat com a exemple d'arquitectura moderna; admirar la rehabilitació de l´ Hotel Espanya, edifici original de 1859 que manté les intervencions modernistes de Domènech i Montaner, Eusebi Arnau i Ramon Casas; infiltrar-se al taller- habitatge d´un conegut artista de la ciutat o inscriure´s en una visita comentada al cementeri de Montjuïc són algunes de les singulars propostes que 48H OHB_2011 incorpora com a novetat a la seva programació.
48H OHB és membre de l´Open House Worlwide
Exhibition: Victor Horta Revisited! The Art of Living & Shopping
From 05.10.2011 to 04.12.2011
BELvue Museum, Brussels
Organised by Architecture Archive - Sint-Lukasarchief vzw Architecture Archive - Sint-Lukasarchief vzw

The Art of Living focuses on Horta´s innovations in the programme of civil living and the diaspora of his concepts on Brussels and Europe. Horta designed the most optimal living and residential environment. To Horta Living means an act and atmosphere at the same time. With nature as benchmark he takes stone, glass and metal to form a biomorphous architecture sprouting from the way people are and live.
The Art of Shopping reflects the times when Emile Zola wrote his novel Au bonheur des Dames in 1883 and focuses on shopping in stores and warehouses designed by Horta and the atmosphere of shopping at the turn of the century in 1900 in Brussels and Europe.
Exhibition: Brilliant Times- Jugendstil Jewellery from Europe
From 21.08.2011 to 11.12.2011
Museum Künstlerkolonie - Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt
Organised by Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt

Based around the innovative jewellery designs of members of the Darmstadt Artists´ Colony-Peter Behrens, Rudolf Bosselt, Paul Bürck, Hans Christiansen, Johann Vincenz Cissarz, Ludwig Habich, Patriz Huber and Joseph Maria Olbrich-a unique exhibition on European jewellery history from around 1900 will once more take place in autumn 2011. It will be held in the exhibition rooms of the Museum Künstlerkolonie (Darmstadt Artists´ Colony), housed in impressive Jugendstil-era buildings. Highly valued pieces of jewellery by René Lalique, Georges Fouquet, Jan Eisenloeffel and Fabergé present a detailed overview of the outstanding creativity these artists expressed through the Jugendstil.
As well as including the Museum Künstlerkolonie´s finest jewellery, the exhibition displays a selection of particularly exquisite objects from the outstanding Jugendstil jewellery collection in the Hessisches Landesmuseum. This museum´s inventory is based on the collection of the Dutch court jeweller Karel A. Citroen (b. 1922). On display are works by the famous Parisian jewellers, goldsmiths and enamellers René Lalique and Georges Fouquet as well as André-Fernand Thesmar and Lucien Gaillard. Lalique sparked a revolution in the field of jewellery design while inspiring Viennese jewellery production at the turn of the century, which neverthless developed in a different direction. Josef Hoffmann´s stricter designs are a statement that the artistic composition and handworked quality of a piece of jewellery is more important than its value in raw materials.
Exhibition: Victor Horta - A Lost World
From 08.04.2011 to 31.12.2011
Maison Autrique, Brussels
Organised by La Maison Autrique

It is difficult to believe that a piece of architecture that was acclaimed in its period, barely more than a century ago, and built with a masterly savoir faire out of the finest quality materials, should be revealed to be so fragile. Its history could become the plot of a modern fable.
This exhibition, which the Maison Autrique is dedicating to Victor Horta, proposes following or retracing the key moments of a piece of architecture which has long since disappeared. This initiative is another push in the movement to recover Art Nouveau history, a movement that has been of the highest importance in the Brussels region for several years.
"Victor Horta - A Lost World", open to the public until 31 December 2011, fulfils expectations: the pieces, works and films presented are simply extraordinary. The exhibition is structured around three themes: projects which were never undertaken (such as the Congo Pavilion), those that destiny has done away with (l´Innovation department store, for example) and those which humans have destroyed (the Maison du Peuple is the most iconic example).
These vanished projects come alive again at the Maison Autrique in different ways: Horta´s plans and sketches, impressive remains (which you can even touch), reconstructions and some period film pieces. The whole forms a highly coherent, varied exhibition.
Guided visits: Guided Tour of Architect Enric Sagnier´s Works
From 01.10.2011 to 08.01.2012
Organised by l'Institut Municipal del Paisatge Urbà i la Qualitat de Vida

From Saturday, 1 October 2011 to Sunday, 8 January 2012, a guided route is being offered to get to know Enric Sagnier´s architecture. This is the architect with the largest number of buildings in Barcelona. This itinerary, which coincides with the exhibition that CaixaForum is holding on the architect, aims to reveal the different archaeological styles of this prolific artist by visiting buildings such as the Arnús Bank, the Miquel Fargas House, the Church of Pompeii, or a single-family home situated on the Avinguda Diagonal.
For more information: www.rutadelmodernisme.com
Exhibition: Ernst Ludwig Kirchner: Architect
From 02.10.2011 to 08.01.2012
Mathildenhöhe Institute, Darmstadt
Organised by Mathildenhöhe Institute, Darmstadt
Exhibition: Art of the Poster
From 08.10.2011 to 08.01.2012
The Hunterian, University of Glasgow
Organised by The Hunterian, University of Glasgow
Exhibition: Egon Schiele. Melancholy and Provocation
From 22.09.2011 to 09.01.2012
Leopold Museum, Vienna
Organised by Leopold Museum
Exhibition: Edvard Munch L'Oeil moderne
From 21.09.2011 to 09.01.2012
Centre Pompidou, Paris
Organised by Centre Pompidou

The Centre Pompidou presents "Edvard Munch, l'oeil moderne" [Edvard Munch, the modern eye], a collection never-seen-before in France of around eighty paintings, thirty artworks done on paper, fifty photographs and a film. Showing the work of the famous Norwegian painter (1853-1944) in a different light, this exhibition shows how much the artist's curiosity for all of the forms of representation of his era fuelled his inspiration and his work. His experience of photography, cinema, his readings of the illustrated press and even his work for the theatre profoundly influenced his work, the brilliant modernity of which the exhibition reveals.
Exhibition: Diaghilev´s Ballets Russes, 1909-1929
From 05.10.2011 to 15.01.2012
CaixaForum, Barcelona
Organised by CaixaForum, Barcelona
Exhibition: Jacques Gruber and Art Nouveau: A Tour of the Decorative Arts
From 16.09.2011 to 22.01.2012
Musée de l'École de Nancy, Nancy
Organised by Musée de l'École de Nancy
Exhibition: Art Deco Images: From the Ballets Russes to the Decorative Style
From 04.10.2011 to 29.01.2012
Museo Art Nouveau y Art Déco - Casa Lis, Salamanca
Organised by Museo Art Nouveau y Art Déco - Casa Lis
Exhibition: Gustav Klimt / Josef Hoffmann Pioneers of Modernism
From 25.10.2011 to 04.03.2012
Lower Belvedere, Vienna
Organised by Belvedere, Vienna

The Belvedere owns the world´s largest collection of paintings by Gustav Klimt. In autumn 2011, it will present this world-famous artist together with the congenial architect and designer Josef Hoffmann. Their intense collaboration, such in the Beethoven Exhibition at the Vienna Secession (1902) and the Stoclet Palace in Brussels (1905-12), set new standards in Europe when it comes to the concept of the Gesamtkunstwerk. Numerous works, such as Klimt´s Portrait of Fritza Riedler, which clearly reflects Hoffmann´s characteristic hand, attest to the two pioneers´ mutual influence, which in this comprehensive exhibition is also explored with regard to their involvement in the Wiener Werkstätte.
Exhibition: Estétique Moderne
From 18.10.2011 to 09.04.2012
Zilvermuseum Sterckshof, Anwerp
Organised by Zilvermuseum Sterckshof, Antwerp
Exhibition: Building for a New Life
From 15.10.2011 to 15.05.2012
Jugendstilsenteret, Alesund
Organised by Jugendstilverein, Bad Nauheim
Exhibition: The tunnels of the Historical Conclave of the Hospital de Sant Pau host a photo exhibition
From 24.09.2011 to 30.06.2012
Recinte Històric Hospital Sant Pau, Barcelona
Organised by Recinte Històric de Sant Pau

The Historical Conclave of the Hospital de Sant Pau is hosting a new exhibition covering some of the most important historical moments of the construction of the Modernista complex. It also focuses on the restoration project which is currently underway. You can visit the exhibition by following the guided routes of "Sant Pau en obres" (Saint Paul Under Construction) which are offered every morning from Monday to Sunday.
The collection of snapshots comprise a selection of historical photographs and diverse reproductions of the original plans which Domènech i Montaner drew up by hand in the early 20th century. In this way, visitors can get an idea of the vast number of studies and trials the architect produced when designing the buildings in the Conclave while appreciating the ornamental elements that have made Sant Pau a world reference in Modernisme.
These photos illustrate the evolution the Conclave has undergone over the years and how the city´s physiognomy has also changed, especially the neighbourhoods of Guinardó and Sagrada Família.
The last part of the exhibition centres on the evolution of the renovation project. Among other aspects, it shows the changes that two of the pavilions have experienced, those that have now been fully renovated: Santa Apol·lònia (St Apollonia) and Sant Jordi (St George).You can also get a close-up view of life-size reproductions of Sant Pau´s most significant decorative elements: rosettes, dosserets, pinnacles and glazed-tile roofs. Furthermore, several information panels explain the laborious tasks being undertaken by artisans at work on Sant Pau to restore all these stone and pottery pieces, along with the windows and mosaics.
The Sant Pau International Project
The renovation work enables the recovery of Sant Pau´s heritage and artistic value. It opens the site to the city, preparing it to become a knowledge centre of reference worldwide, where diverse international, national and local institutions can work jointly to provide an answer to the challenges of the 20th century. Education, health and sustainability will be the main spheres of action, with a geographic space as its preferential area of reference: the Mediterranean.
The project to rehabilitate the Historical Conclave of Sant Pau has a budget of 105 million euros, financed mainly by contributions from the Operating Programme of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for Catalonia 2007-2013, the Spanish government, the Government of Catalonia, local administrations and the Fundació Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau.
Extension of the guided visit routes
The photo exhibition forms part of the "Sant Pau en obres" guided visits, included in the Barcelona Modernisme Route which the Institut del Paisatge Urbà (Urban Landscape Institute) at the Barcelona City Council is organising.
These guided visits start at the Sant Jordi Pavilion, which is now fully restored. Since late July, visitors have also been able to stroll through one section of the kilometre of tunnels where the new exhibition is installed.
Thanks to the opening of this new tourist route, visitors also take a short stroll down the Conclave´s central avenue, where they can check on the progress of the renovation work on the Central Pavilion (former operating theatres) and the Administration Pavilion, the most important building in Domènech i Montaner´s architectural conclave.
The guided visit finalises with a look at the Conclave church, the Portal de Santa Marta, the exterior of the Convent and the Sant Rafael Pavilion, in which visitors can appreciate its original interior space.
For further information about opening times and prices: www.rutadelmodernisme.com
Exhibition: Women, Hand-Woven Rugs, Home Industry
From 24.06.2011 to 26.08.2012
Museum of Ethnography, Budapest
Organised by Museum of Ethnography