Exhibition: Art Nouveau. The Nature of Dreams
From 07.07.2020 to 03.01.2021
Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich
Organised by Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts
Exhibition: Elena Luksch - Makowsky. Silver Age and Secession
From 23.09.2020 to 10.01.2021
Upper Belvedere, Vienna
Organised by Belvedere

The rediscovery of the women artists of Viennese Modernism began in early 2019 with the "City of Women" exhibition at the Lower Belvedere. In 2020, the Belvedere continues this trajectory by dedicating an IN-SIGHT exhibition to Elena Luksch-Makowsky, one of the central protagonists of this period. At the beginning of the 20th century works by the artist were to be found in all major Viennese art institutions and media - including Ver Sacrum, Wiener Werkstätte, Secession, and Galerie Miethke.
Exhibition: Harald Krogh Stabell - Artist and Architect
From 30.05.2020 to 31.01.2021
Museum Jugendstilsenteret & KUBE, Alesund
Organised by Jugendstilsenteret and KUBE

The exhibition is dedicated to the Norwegian visual artist and architect Harald Krohg Stabell (1874-1963, who lived and worked in Ålesund during the reconstruction period after the city fire in 1904.
The The shows presents architectural drawings, watercolors and woodcuts with motifs from Ålesund and its surroundings.
Exhibition: Gaudí & Trencadís
From 01.10.2020 to 31.01.2021
Organised by El Museu Nacional de Ceràmica and the Word Monuments Fund

Trencadís mosaics are the most identifiable images in the work of Antoni Gaudí. Architecture in Modernisme represents a synthesis of all the arts and its suitable use of decoration leads to a rich combination of forms, volumes, textures and also colours - colour that is primarily the result of the use of ceramic and glass mosaics.
This touring exhibition aims to explain the origin and evolution of trencadí mosaics and concludes with a process that deconstructs this technique to discover the raw material from which it is made. Original pieces and copies are therefore presented alongside photographs so that a great deal of the materials used can be identified.
Exhibition: ADOLF LOOS: Private Houses
From 18.11.2020 to 14.03.2021
MAK, Vienna
Organised by MAK - Museum of Applied Arts in cooperation with the Albertina

On the occasion of the 150th birthday of Adolf Loos (1870-1933) the MAK is presenting an exhibition that has been developed in cooperation with the Albertina: "ADOLF LOOS: Private Houses". Throughout his life Loos applied himself to private and public housing. This exhibition focuses on private homes and presents design drawings, plans, photos, and models of his in most part luxuriously furnished single family houses, villas, and country houses. By way of contrast, the display will also include revolutionary social projects, such as buildings for the municipality of Vienna.
Exhibition: Uninvited Guests: Episodes on Women, Ideology and the Visual Arts in Spain (1833-1931)
From 06.10.2020 to 14.03.2021
Museo del Prado, Madrid
Organised by Museo del Prado
Exhibition: Emil Pirchan: Universal Artist
From 27.11.2020 to 05.04.2021
Leopold Museum, Vienna
Organised by Leopold Museum
Exhibition: Inspirational Beethoven: A Symphoniy in Pictures from Vienna 1900
From 27.11.2020 to 05.04.2021
Leopold Museum, Vienna
Organised by Leopold Museum
Exhibition: Josef Hoffmann - Otto Prutscher
From 01.07.2019 to 18.04.2021
Josef Hoffmann Museum in Brtnice
Organised by Moravian Gallery, Brno in collaboration with the MAK Museum, Vienna

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Otto Prutscher's death, the exhibition highlights the importance of his work for the development of Viennese Modernism. The show is dedicated to Josef Hoffmann's (1870-1956) in association with Otto Prutscher (1880-1949). Like Hoffmann an architect and designer, Prutscher was master of all materials used in the applied arts. He was an exhibition designer, a teacher, and a member of the most important reform movements in art from the Secession to the Wiener Werkstätte and the Werkbund.
Exhibition: Aleix Clapés, Güell and Gaudí's Enigmatic Painter
From 17.12.2020 to 30.05.2021
Palau Güell, Barcelona
Organised by Diputació de Barcelona - Palau Güell

Palau Güell is staging an exhibition dedicated to the painter Aleix Clapés until 30 May 2021. This Barcelona artist (1846-1920) was Eusebi Güell and Antoni Gaudí's inseparable travelling companion and favourite painter for many years. An artist of amazing expressive power, he was also the painter par excellence of the Palau Güell and the only painter involved in the original decoration for the building, both inside and out.
The exhibition presents one of the most outstanding works by Aleix Clapés that was thought to have disappeared more than a century ago. It is titled El peó (The Labourer, ca. 1886) and was discovered during the preparation of this exhibition. As explained by art historians Carlos Alejandro Lupercio and Josep Casamartina, there is a family legend according to which Leon Trotsky bought the work in Paris in 1920 and sent it to the Kremlin. Today it is known, however, that the painting never left Barcelona.
Exhibition: The Body Electric: Erwin Osen and Egon Schiele
From 15.01.2021 to 13.06.2021
Leopold Museum, Vienna
Organised by Leopold Museum
Exhibition: H. Anglada-Camarasa: A Pictorial Review of "la Caixa" Collection. New dates!
From 25.10.2018 to 29.08.2021
CaixaForum Palma, Mallorca
Organised by Obra Social la Caixa

This exhibition presents a wide and varied selection of paintings by Anglada-Camarasa in order to present his oeuvre from a personal, romantic perspective that recalls the layout of the Museum in Pollença. It provides a unique opportunity to learn more about the work of Anglada-Camarasa through a different exhibition approach from how the work has been shown in CaixaForum until now.
Exhibition: Vienna 1900: Birth of Modernism
From 29.03.2019 to 29.03.2023
Leopold Museum, Vienna
Organised by Leopold Museum

The exhibition creates an opulent tableau that offers uniquely rich and complex insights into the fascination of Vienna circa 1900 and the atmosphere of this vibrant period. Comprising some 1,300 items displayed across three floors, this semi-permanent installation presents the splendour and wealth of the artistic and intellectual achievements of this era through masterpieces from the Leopold Museum and notable permanent loan works from Austrian and international collections.